Thursday, December 15, 2016

What Do I See When I Look in the Mirror?

I see an old woman who really needs to get more sleep.

They say you’re only as old as you feel. If that’s the case, I must be somewhere around 200. I look like I’m likely in my forties, but I couldn’t give you a more accurate number. Not because I don’t want to, but because I don’t know. Hair’s going grey, wrinkles starting to show up, and my voice sounds exactly like what you’d expect from someone who’s lived for years in a cloud of tobacco smoke. Lately I’ve been trying to see if it’s possible for a human being to replace sleep with lots of coffee. Judging by the heavy bags under my eyes, it’s not working.

My sense of fashion isn’t much to brag about. Even calling it “fashion” may be selling it too hard. I like my clothes boring and nondescript. The only thing I have that stands out is an old khaki trench coat, and I hate it precisely because of that. I’d have thrown it away long ago if it wasn’t the only comfortable coat I’ve got.

Ah, I'm just kidding about all that.

I don't own any mirrors.


  1. No mirrors? Probably for the better... a certain malevolent serpent is known to lurk behind mirrors. Granted, with this logic, it would be better if there were no sky so the birds of the tempest could not come for us...

    1. Not how you should talk about your mother, you know.


    2. You continue pulling out the childish insults, I see. What kind of mature person would use "your mom" and "you're 12" jokes, after all?

    3. A bored Crest that has to wait for results... I'm to stay with my Quill and keep the worm from misbehaving but that's not much when his drugged, ya know?

      I'm bored, I've read all the snipperts and peices of writing he has made, admired his art and cleaned up the place to make more room... I just have to wait for him to wake up.


    4. I don't see what that has to do with this, but it doesn't really matter anyways.
